Privacy Policy of Find Assignment Help

All of the information and the personal details that you share with us are absolutely confidential and private. It is therefore our primary duty to inform our users and visitors about all of our privacy policies that have been declared by the company. We collect the information regarding:

What is done with the collected information?

Our web server collects the basic information of the users automatically, including the type of the browser, access time and operating system. This information is collected in a way so that it does not recognise anyone. Also, no attempt from our side is made to find out the identities of the people visiting our site.

This information is used only for the purpose of improving the content of the website and to customize the layout of the pages for efficient browsing. We never share or rent any of the user’s information collected through this method with the third parties.

However, we do have the right to disclose the personal information of our clients required by the laws in situation when we believe that the disclosure is required in order to protect our own rights or to comply with the legal proceedings.

Find Assignment Help has the right to modify the privacy statement at any point of time. It is therefore advisable to review it from time to time. Any changes made to the privacy policy would be posted here. If you continue to use the site or its services after that, it would be seen as your agreement to be bound by the changes made.

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